Three New Delage for Speedways
Harry Harkness Now Has Lyons Grand Prix Racing Cars
New York City, March 13—Harry S. Harkness will compete this coming season on the speedways with the three Delage cars which were driven by Duray, Bablot and Guyot in the French Grand Prix at Lyons in 1914. The three cars arrived in New York last week and are now being overhauled and fitted with new bodies. Carl Limberg, who will manage the team, will drive one of the cars. This team ought to be one of the most important competing this year, as the cars have been run in the one race only. The motors are peculiar in that the valves are operated positively in both directions, being closed by the cam as well as opened. In the Grand Prix the Delage cars did not do very well owing to some unfortunate adjustment having been made the night before the race. Bablot held the record for a lap over the Lyons circuit in practice spins previous to therace and it was the general opinion among French sportsmen that the Delage cars were faster than the Peugeot. There is no doubt whatever that if the three cars had shown the same form in the race that they had already exhibited in the previous practice trials that it would have been possible to push the victorious Mercedes very hard indeed.